
Title: The Misappropriation 
of Hip Hop
Resurrecting the eternal principle
of hip-hop’s spiritual significance

Author: DJ Fingers
Size: 5.833" x 8.264"
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9781903289136 ·
Price: £8.99
Publishers: BIS Publishing Services 
& B-Boy Documents.

Due Publish date: January 30th 2014

Karl Gibson has captured the very essence of the meaning of Hip- Hop in this long awaited but extremely refreshing book. For too long we have been force fed a mongrelisation of what the record industry wants the youth to believe is Hip Hop (and for lack of a better word “Rap”), which in turn has our young men thinking that it’s cool to be a Pimp or a Drug dealer and our young women thinking they should portray themselves as Hoes.

What Karl has done is to take it right back to the big bang of the emergence of this truly great culture and has dared to expose the corporate media as the chief instigators of turning a pure art form into a hybrid of its’ former self. The Misappropriation Of Hip Hop has attempted to show the reader (and successfully so), that before the corporate industries gave Hip Hop a new middle class face of acceptance, Real Hip Hop was and still is a way of life for many millions
of inner city youth around the world who incorporate many of the five elements on a daily basis.

The Universal Zulu Nation from the 1970s on up to the present time have done something that no politician, preacher or activist has done, and that is to take a cross section of people from all over the world and to bring them together in unity with a love for the culture while no credit has been given to the founding fathers of Hip Hop.

So while society now listens to a rap verse in the latest pop song or sees B-boying in a rock/pop video and rich sub-urban kids try to “keep it real”, remember the struggle of those before that came in peace to propagate the peaceful message of Hip Hop.

Hip Hop is not dead however it is in a coma due to the cancerous invasion of Gangsta Rap awaiting the Real Hip Hop community to stand up and re-take its’ rightful place and it has been greatly anticipated Khaliyl aka Echo

Zulu King - UK Chapter
Universal Zulu Nation